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Narrative power becomes a poetic weapon for denouncing social ills - Beyond Words: Farid Hadjadj One Slam Show – Musical tastes and the universal power of storytelling.

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Farid Hadjadj One Slam Show – Artistic Revelations


Don’t Miss the Date of January 18 2024 !!!


Date: January 11 & 18 2024

Venue: PHONO Museum Paris, 53 Boulevard Marguerite de Rochechouart, 75009 Paris, France


Farid Hadjadj One Slam Show – Beyond Words – Artistic Revelations in Company Fabienne Amiach – Piano: Jean-Pierre Hadida – Venue PHONO Museum


Artist : Farid Hadjadj One Slam Show – Beyond Words

Farid Hadjadj Alias 2rifa presents the first One Slam Show – In Concert with Jen-Pierre HADIDA & Fabienne AMIACH


Farid Hadjadj One Slam Show – Beyond Words – Artistic Revelations in Company Fabienne Amiach – Piano: Jean-Pierre Hadida – Venue PHONO Museum

Piano: Jean-Pierre Hadida

Farid Hadjadj One Slam Show – Beyond Words – Artistic Revelations in Company Fabienne Amiach – Piano: Jean-Pierre Hadida – Venue PHONO Museum

A truly enjoyable experience on stage! In the musical company of Jean-Pierre Hadida, where, as usual, spontaneity and play unfold in the « live » setting, and the magic that ensues blends with the energy the audience brings!


Jean-Pierre Hadida

Farid Hadjadj One Slam Show – Beyond Words – Artistic Revelations in Company Fabienne Amiach – Piano- Jean-Pierre Hadida

Songwriter/ Producer. Digital artist. Creative Director Publicis. FCA. Venice(founder)

Collaborating with the exceptional creator Jean-Pierre Hadida brings the musical spectacle of the One Slam Show to life.

Audiences can expect delightful surprises, featuring a diverse lineup of artists including singers, actors, and musicians.


Farid Hadjadj One Slam Show – Beyond Words – Artistic Revelations in Company Fabienne Amiach – Piano- Jean-Pierre Hadida


Farid Hadjadj One Slam Show

Farid Hadjadj One Slam Show – Beyond Words – Artistic Revelations in Company Fabienne Amiach – Piano: Jean-Pierre Hadida – Venue PHONO Museum


Farid‘s creative universe is shaped by significant milestones in his journey, current artistic challenges, and familial inspirations. Reservations can be made through SMS, WhatsApp, or official ticket platforms. Looking ahead to 2024, Farid envisions new dates and remains open to proposals, while also contemplating the possibility of releasing an EP and an album.


Fabienne Amiach

Farid Hadjadj One Slam Show – Beyond Words – Artistic Revelations in Company Fabienne Amiach – Piano: Jean-Pierre Hadida – Venue PHONO Museum


Fabienne Amiach – Performer, Genuine Poetess-Slammer

Journalist – author – lyricist

Farid Hadjadj One Slam Show – Beyond Words – Artistic Revelations in Company Fabienne Amiach – Piano: Jean-Pierre Hadida – Venue PHONO Museum

Special thanks from Farid to Fabienne Amiach, who splendidly played the role of a genuine poetess-slammer by interpreting a text written by Jean-Pierre Hadida, with poignant strength.
Also, for performing one of his songs in which I also participated! Just as she contributed to one of mine.


Drum: Driss, who accompanied on percussion, cajon, derbouka

Farid Hadjadj One Slam Show – Beyond Words – Artistic Revelations in Company Fabienne Amiach – Piano: Jean-Pierre Hadida – Venue PHONO Museum


Farid Hadjadj, a versatile artist

Farid Hadjadj One Slam Show – Beyond Words – Artistic Revelations in Company Fabienne Amiach – Piano: Jean-Pierre Hadida – Venue PHONO Museum


Farid Hadjadj, a versatile artist with a spectrum of musical influences, discovers his passion for poetry from a young age, guided by the rhythmic beats of rap and the soulful tones of oriental music.
Initially rooted in the world of rap, the birth of his daughter serves as a catalyst, inspiring him to diversify his artistic expressions towards the enchanting realm of children’s storytelling.

« In the artist’s expressions, represent an uncover a nostalgic journey through his childhood, a reflection on the past, and an exploration of the unfinished dreams that resonate with every individual.
These evocative lyrics weave a narrative that seamlessly blends nostalgia and aspiration, creating a compelling tapestry of emotions and experiences. »


One Slam Show

Farid Hadjadj One Slam Show – Beyond Words – Artistic Revelations in Company Fabienne Amiach – Piano: Jean-Pierre Hadida – Venue PHONO Museum


His artistic journey, marked by collaborations in the rap scene and performances on the vibrant stages of Paris, takes an intriguing turn with the inception of the « One Slam Show » project. This innovative venture seamlessly weaves together the intricate threads of words, melodies, rhythmic flow, and the captivating art of slam within the realm of music.

Farid Hadjadj’s creative narrative unfolds as a compelling fusion of genres and emotions, where the poetic essence of his words harmonizes with the vibrant soundscape of his music. The « One Slam Show » emerges as a unique and immersive experience, inviting audiences into a captivating journey where the boundaries between spoken word, music, and storytelling dissolve.

Explore the rich and interwoven universe of Farid Hadjadj, where each performance becomes a celebration of the seamless integration of poetry, rhythm, and melody.

In this artistic tapestry, Farid‘s ability to transcend genres creates an experience that resonates with both diverse musical tastes and the universal power of storytelling.


An artist who skillfully wields words and speech

Farid Hadjadj One Slam Show – Beyond Words – Artistic Revelations in Company Fabienne Amiach – Piano: Jean-Pierre Hadida – Venue PHONO Museum

An artist who skillfully wields words and speech to bring to life the poignant themes of injustice, life, suffering, and the ongoing struggle.


Narrative power becomes a poetic weapon for denouncing social ills

Farid Hadjadj One Slam Show – Beyond Words – Artistic Revelations in Company Fabienne Amiach – Piano: Jean-Pierre Hadida – Venue PHONO Museum


His pen becomes a poetic weapon, denouncing societal ills with a captivating narrative power. Each word resonates like a musical note, forming an emotional symphony that transcends linguistic barriers. This artist navigates adeptly through the intricacies of the human experience, delivering poignant performances where the strength of their words becomes a means to confront and explore the most complex realities of life.


PHONO Museum Paris

A heartfelt thank you to everyone for being present!  The venue was packed! The Artist didn’t think it was possible considering the first date earlier this year!

Farid Hadjadj One Slam Show – Beyond Words – Artistic Revelations in Company Fabienne Amiach – Piano: Jean-Pierre Hadida – Venue PHONO Museum


The founder of the Phono Museum, a passionate music collector, has been receptive to the project and any artistic endeavor.
The venue possesses a distinct character, and the exceptional piano on which Jean-Pierre HADIDA performs adds to the overall experience.


PHONO Museum

53 Boulevard Marguerite de Rochechouart, 75009 Paris, France

Maximizing visibility through Facebook, Instagram, TikTok, and YouTube platforms is crucial for promotion. The concerts on January 11th and 18th, 2024, at the PHONO Museum Paris underscore its iconic support for emerging talents.


Farid Hadjadj One Slam Show – Beyond Words – Artistic Revelations in Company Fabienne Amiach – Piano: Jean-Pierre Hadida – Venue PHONO Museum



Contact: Email: farid.2rifa@gmail.com
Phone/WhatsApp: +33 6 51 77 81 80
Social Media: Facebook/Instagram/Tiktok – Farid Hadjadj
Special Thanks to : Cathy for the makeup. To Georges: GM Production capture. To Dan N’Guyen the photographer. To PHONO Museum Paris, To Marlène for welcoming the audience and her assistance





Media partners



By Zou, Katia & Dan NGU – New Media Making Introducing AI FASHION MAG, a groundbreaking fusion of Human Ingenuity & Technological Innovation


Exploring the realm of artificial intelligence (AI) often conjures images from sci-fi movies where robots gain consciousness and rebel against humanity.
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As AI continues its rapid evolution, the scope of its potential applications widens significantly. One particularly intriguing facet of AI is the concept of friendly AI. Unlike the ominous depictions in fiction, friendly AI is designed to collaborate with humans, working towards shared goals rather than in opposition.

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Daniel Nguyen is the CEO and owner of DN-Africa, a premier African fashion magazine that is revolutionizing the landscape of the African fashion industry and elevating the global fashion arena to new heights .
The magazine offers an unparalleled digital journey tailored for professionals within the Fashion Industry.
It curates an array of distinctive services encompassing editorial content, photography, and video resources.
The goal of DN-Africa is to provide African fashion trends by means of cultural and fashion events and to identify new faces and talents 1. By mixing up massive and complex digital data, DN-Africa creates a strategic leverage for designers who want to improve their global image on the internet faster.



Farid Hadjadj Alias 2rifa presents the first One Slam Show – In Concert with Jen-Pierre HADIDA – Venue PHONO MUSEUM