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IGAÏMA Model’s Show 2018 – Bamako (Mali)

« Culture often succeeds where politics fails (…) » by INDIRÂH EVENTS & COMMUNICATION
Date : Feb 23th 18
Location : Memorial Madibo KEITA. – Bamako (Mali)

« Culture succeeds where politics fails, but they are nonetheless complementary, because most cultural events reach a wider audience when policies accompany these initiatives. With these words, Fadi Maïga Founder of the Model Agency IGAÏMA (anagram of her name) warmly thanks the important participation in this premiere of the Agency.



Fashion designer, Fadi Maïga organizes last February 23 the first competition of his Model Agency, to promote a profession often poorly perceived but which requires a certain rigor.

Igaïma Model Agency -Designer Fadi Maiga

As a challenge to oneself, she will reach out to many partners who will support her initiative.






Her excellency Mrs Aminata Keita Maïga, First Lady of Mali is one of the illustrious guests and honors the evening with her presence alongside the Princess Esther Kamatari of Burundi, guest of honor of this first edition by her presence which creates the surprise, she encourages this youth who makes the choice to embrace the modeling career ..


IGAIMA-MODEL’S-SHOW 2018 First Edition – Organizes by Fadi MAIGA – RP INDIRA EVENTS


The Minister of Culture, Mrs N’Diaye Ramatoulaye Diallo, undeniable partner of this event which contributes to the influence of the Malian know-how, recalls in its opening speech the important role of culture in societies.
Godmother of this first edition, Mrs. Coulibaly Madina Tall, Director of CEFIB and Vice-President of the Kledu Group, provides all the resources necessary for the success of this evening and will offer scholarships to the young laureates.


Mrs Aminata Keita Maïga, First Lady of Mali , The Minister of Culture, Mrs N’Diaye Ramatoulaye Diallo,  Godmother of this first edition, Mrs. Coulibaly Madina Tall, Director of CEFIB and Vice-President of the Kledu Group


Fatoumata Sangaré and Lanseni Doumbia win the contest of this first edition



The IGAÏMA Agency is today one of the first agency on the continent that offers the opportunity for all models to be able to work but especially to be recognized as professionals in their own right, by setting a framework and all guarantees to achieve this. The mannequin business should meet all expectations without distinction, allowing everyone to identify with models.


Memorial Modibo Keita Bamako (Mali)