HOME &gt Abstract Expressionism &gt Fady Ferhi has received a Distinction Awarded by the SAAF: Bronze Medal: Fady Ferhi Originality and Distinctive Style Contemporary Artist received Honoree Award for French-speaking Authors and Artists  by Société des Auteurs et Artistes Francophones (SAAF)
Abstract ExpressionismAccomplished ColoristContemporary ArtistNews

Fady Ferhi has received a Distinction Awarded by the SAAF: Bronze Medal: Fady Ferhi Originality and Distinctive Style Contemporary Artist received Honoree Award for French-speaking Authors and Artists  by Société des Auteurs et Artistes Francophones (SAAF)

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Fady Ferhi Originality and Distinctive Style Contemporary Artist received Honoree Award for French-speaking Authors and Artists  by Société des Auteurs et Artistes Francophones (SAAF)

Date: October 7 2023
Location: Château de Montvillargenne in Gouvieux, France

Société des Auteurs et Artistes Francophones (SAAF)



Fady-Ferhi-Originality-and-Distinctive-Style-Contemporary-Artist-received-Honoree-Award-by-SAAF  – SOCIETE DES AUTEURS ET DES ARTISTES FRANCOPHONES


The Château de Montvillargenne in Gouvieux was the setting for an awards ceremony for French-speaking authors and artists on Saturday 7 October 2023. The ceremony was very interesting, and highlighted the talent and creativity of the artists present.

The château provided a magnificent and prestigious setting for this special occasion, adding a touch of elegance to the event. The awards probably recognised the outstanding achievements of French-speaking authors and artists, helping to promote and celebrate their work in the arts.

Fady Ferhi has received a Distinction Awarded by the ‘ Société des Auteurs et Artistes Francophones(SAAF): Bronze Medal.


Fady-Ferhi-Originality-and-Distinctive-Style-Contemporary-Artist-received-Honoree-Award – SAAF- SOCIETE DES AUTEURS ET DES ARTISTES FRANCOPHONES

Unique and Original Artistic Style

Fady Ferhi Originality and Distinctive Style Contemporary Artis -Emergent Artist – Gallery HEAVEN GATE


Fady Ferhi stands out for her unique and original artistic style. Her works captivate the eye with their modern aesthetic and bold use of colour and form. Her innovative approach to contemporary art sets hem apart in the artistic landscape.

Emotional expressiveness
Fady Ferhi‘s creations are imbued with a deep emotional expressiveness. Her works convey intense feelings and emotions, inviting viewers into an immersive visual and emotional experience.
Each piece tells a unique story and provokes deep reflection.

Technical mastery
Fady Ferhi demonstrates impressive technical mastery in her artistic work. His skilful use of artistic mediums and techniques creates captivating textures and visual effects. This technical expertise adds extra value to his works and is a testament to his artistic talent.

Commitment to contemporary art
Fady Ferhi is an emerging artist who is passionate about and committed to contemporary art. He actively participates in exhibitions and art events, contributing to the vitality of the local and international art scene. His dedication to his art is a key element that attracts the attention of collectors and art lovers.


Emerging Contemporary Artist

Fady Ferhi Originality and Distinctive Style Contemporary Artis -Emergent Artist – Emergent Artist – Gallery EXPLOSION OF FREEDOM (Explosion Liberatrice)


Fady Ferhi is an emerging contemporary artist who has chosen the abstract genre as her medium of expression. Through her mesmerizing canvases, she pushes the boundaries of tangible reality, inviting viewers to embark on a captivating journey into her artistic universe.

Fady Ferhi‘s work is characterized by a quest for escape, a desire to transcend the confines of the figurative and explore the realms of the abstract. By delving into the abstract, she taps into the intangible and the subconscious, creating a visual language that goes beyond the limitations of the physical world.

In her paintings, Fady Ferhi employs a variety of techniques and textures to create depth and complexity. Bold brushstrokes, vibrant colors, and intricate compositions come together to evoke a sense of emotion and intrigue. Each artwork tells a unique story, inviting viewers to interpret and connect with the piece on a personal level.


Fady Ferhi

Fady Ferhi Originality and Distinctive Style Contemporary Artis -Emergent Artist – Emergent Artist – Gallery Journey into-the Depths (Voyage-dans-les-Profondeurs)


Through her art, Fady Ferhi invites us to contemplate the interplay between the real and the beyond. Her abstract creations serve as a gateway to explore the depths of our own imagination and emotions. They challenge us to question our perceptions of reality and embrace the beauty and mystery of the unknown.

As an emerging artist, Fady Ferhi‘s talent and artistic vision have been gaining recognition. Her works have been showcased in galleries and exhibitions, attracting the attention of collectors and art enthusiasts alike. With each new creation, she continues to captivate audiences and leave a lasting impression.

By experiencing Fady Ferhi‘s art, viewers are invited to step into a world where boundaries are blurred, and the imagination takes flight. It is an extraordinary journey that offers a fresh perspective on the power of abstract art and its ability to transcend the confines of the physical.



Fady Ferhi Originality and Distinctive Style Contemporary Artist – Emergent Artist – Gallery The Soul Mate


The catalyst was the loss of a loved one. « Since he departed, painting has been a way for me to find him again. I search for a face, a gaze… I had promised him I would travel. I have traveled extensively, and today, I escape through my eyes and painting. »

It’s understandable that such a significant event would have a profound impact on her life and her art. She found solace and a way to reconnect with her loved ones through her creative expressions.

For you, painting has become a means to find your loved one again, to search for their presence in the form of a face, a gaze. It’s a way for you to keep the memory alive and honor the promises you made to them. Through her art, Fady Ferhi have embarked on a journey of self-discovery and healing.

In her travels, you have sought inspiration and new experiences, allowing yourself to escape through your eyes and painting. Art has become a vehicle for exploration and a way to transcend the boundaries of reality.

It allows to express your emotions, memories, and connections with your loved one in a unique and personal way.

The loss of a loved one can be a catalyst for profound introspection and transformation. It can fuel creativity and provide a channel for emotional release. As you continue to navigate this journey, may your art serve as a source of comfort, healing, and a way to keep the spirit of your loved one alive.


Fady-Ferhi-Originality-and-Distinctive-Style-Contemporary-Artist-received-Honoree-Award – SAAF- SOCIETE DES AUTEURS ET DES ARTISTES FRANCOPHONES







Website : https://www.fferhi.com/
Artist Painter
Artistic Mediator for the association Art Coeur
+ 33 651450439


Fady-Ferhi-has-received-a-Distinction-Awarded-by-the-SAAF-Bronze-Medal DN-AFRICA – Media Partner






Adress :
Mairie de Poitiers, 15, place du Maréchal Leclerc,
86000 Poitiers
Tel : +33 5 49 46 35 96

The Society of Authors and Artists of the French-speaking world is an organization that aims to promote French literature and the diversity of cultural and linguistic expressions.
Its main objectives include promoting and disseminating the works of its members, as well as supporting artistic creations such as painting, sculpture, and other artistic endeavors.

The association may organize competitions to showcase literary and artistic works. In general, the association supports and may actively participate in cultural activities related to its goals. It is important to note that the association is non-political and non-religious in nature.





Patrick Lachaud – Event coordinator – Radio host – TV presenter, at Kappa – Jet tour – Costa croisières – Euro RSCG – Mairie de Paris


Fady-Ferhi-Originality-and-Distinctive-Style-Contemporary-Artist-received-Honoree-Award-SAAF-SOCIETE-DES-AUTEURS-ET-DES-ARTISTES-FRANCOPHE – Patrick LACHAUD




By Zou, Katia & Dan NGU – New Media Making
Introducing AI FASHION MAG, a groundbreaking fusion of Human Ingenuity & Technological Innovation.

This pioneering AI fashion magazine showcases the boundless possibilities that arise when creativity harmonizes with cutting-edge technology.

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Contact: redac@ai-fashion-mag.fr




AI Friendly or how getting a Positive Impact on Humanity




Daniel Nguyen is the CEO and owner of DN-Africa, a premier African fashion magazine that is revolutionizing the landscape of the African fashion industry and elevating the global fashion arena to new heights .
The magazine offers an unparalleled digital journey tailored for professionals within the Fashion Industry.
It curates an array of distinctive services encompassing editorial content, photography, and video resources.
The goal of DN-Africa is to provide African fashion trends by means of cultural and fashion events and to identify new faces and talents 1. By mixing up massive and complex digital data, DN-Africa creates a strategic leverage for designers who want to improve their global image on the internet faster


Fady-Ferhi-Originality-and-Distinctive-Style-Contemporary-Artist-received-Honoree-Award-SAAF-SOCIETE-DES-AUTEURS-ET-DES-ARTISTES-FRANCOPHE-DN-AFRICA MEDIA PARTNER


Château de Montvillargenne in Gouvieux, France – Honoree-Award-SAAF-SOCIETE-DES-AUTEURS-ET-DES-ARTISTES-FRANCOPHE


Château de Montvillargenne in Gouvieux, France – Honoree-Award-SAAF-SOCIETE-DES-AUTEURS-ET-DES-ARTISTES-FRANCOPHE