HOME &gt News &gt Chef's ISSA represent Top 100 personalities Most Influenced in Guinee for the year 2023: Miss GUINEE 2023 Finalists Magic Dinner at Chef ISSA’S HOUSE, a Master in the art of pastry-making

Chef's ISSA represent Top 100 personalities Most Influenced in Guinee for the year 2023: Miss GUINEE 2023 Finalists Magic Dinner at Chef ISSA’S HOUSE, a Master in the art of pastry-making

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Miss GUINEE 2023 Finalists Magic Dinner at Chef ISSA’S HOUSE, a Master in the art of pastry-making

Date: November 13 2023
Location: Conakry Resident House, Guinee Republic

A Magical Dinner with By Chef ISSA and Jupiter Davibe

On Monday November 13, Chef Issa created a magical evening for our Misses! An exquisite table, a warm atmosphere, and culinary delights delighted our candidates.
Many thanks to Chef Issa and his team for making this evening so special!
A special mention to artist Jupiter for enchanting the evening with his music.


FONAP 2023 – Chef’s ISSA represent Top 100 personalities Most Influenced in Guinee for the year 2023



In the lead-up to the 7th National Forum of Public Actors-FONAP, followed by the gala honoring the 100 personalities who are making a difference in Guinea in 2023, the Communication and Media Department of FONAP 2023 presents the inspiring profile of an exemplary pastry chef.

Chef Issa, a renowned pâtissier in Guinea, has carved a name for himself in the culinary world with his exceptional skills and dedication to his craft. Born and raised in Guinea, Chef Issa discovered his passion for baking at a young age.

He embarked on a journey to pursue his dreams, honing his skills through formal training and hands-on experience.

With a relentless pursuit of excellence, Chef Issa has mastered the art of pastry-making, delighting the taste buds of Guineans with his delectable creations. His innovative approach to traditional Guinean desserts has earned him accolades and recognition both locally and internationally.


Chef Issa culinary expertise & philanthropic endeavors

Beyond his culinary expertise, Chef Issa is known for his philanthropic endeavors. He actively supports local communities by providing training and employment opportunities to aspiring pastry chefs. Through his mentorship programs, he aims to empower young talents and contribute to the growth of the culinary industry in Guinea.

As the 7th National Forum of Public Actors-FONAP approaches, Chef Issa‘s inspiring journey serves as a testament to the power of passion, hard work, and determination.

His dedication to his craft and commitment to giving back to his community make him a true role model for aspiring chefs and individuals alike.

Chef Issa is indeed an inspirational personality

A vision of excellence
Chef Issa is  an inspirational personality. His journey as a pastry chef showcases his passion, dedication, and talent in the culinary arts.
During the gala of distinction, Chef Issa‘s contributions to the culinary scene in Guinea will be celebrated, highlighting his significant impact on the country’s gastronomic landscape.

Through his hard work and commitment, he has not only achieved success in his field but has also made a positive impact on the culinary scene in Guinea.

The philanthropic of Chef Issa serves as an inspiration to others
His philanthropic efforts, such as providing training and employment opportunities to aspiring pastry chefs, demonstrate his desire to give back to his community and contribute to the growth of the culinary industry. Chef Issa’s story serves as an inspiration to others, showing that with passion, hard work, and a commitment to making a difference, one can achieve great thing.


Chef Issa’s or a success story

Chef Issa is a successful entrepreneur in the pastry and catering industry in Guinea. He is the founder of the renowned catering company « Traiteur by Issa. » Issa Diallo, also known as the « pâtissier of the republic, » is known for treating all his customers with equal attention, regardless of their social status. He received his training in France at one of the most prestigious bakeries in Erstein, Strasbourg, and worked there for over ten years.


Miss GUINEE 2023 Magical Dinner at Chef ISSAS House

Chef ISSA’S Restaurant & Chapiteau by Issa

Traiteur by Issa
Monument du 22 Novembre, Kaloum Peninsula · +224 664 23 10 73
Traiteur By ISSA Saveurs & Délices
Conakry, Guinée · +224 664 23 10 73
Open 24h/24
Meals on site-Delivery
Chapiteau by Issa
Event organizer
Monument du 22 Novembre, Kaloum Peninsula

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