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 NAZOUNKI: Pioneering the Future of Global Healthcare

Enhancing the Quality & Safety of Pharmaceutical Care: Nazounki’s “Saycure Pharma” solution aims to digitalize pharmacies

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Nazounki’s “Saycure Pharma” Solution aims to Digitalize Pharmacies

Date: July 21 2024

Location: 130-132 rue de Normandie
92400 Courbenoie (Paris la Défense)

Nazounki’s “Saycure Pharma” solution aims to digitalize pharmacies, enhancing the quality and safety of pharmaceutical care


Key Features of Saycure Pharma



Comprehensive Digital Platform:

Prescription Management
 Digital tools for managing prescriptions, including online renewals and electronic prescriptions.

Inventory Management
 Automated inventory tracking to ensure stock levels are maintained and reduce the risk of shortages or overstocking.


Patient-Centric Services

Online Consultations
 Integration of telemedicine services, allowing patients to consult with pharmacists and healthcare providers remotely.

Medication Reminders
 Automated reminders for patients to take their medications, improving adherence and health outcomes.

Data Protection
Robust security measures to protect patient data and ensure compliance with regulations.

Secure Transactions: Safe and secure online transactions for purchasing medications and other health products.

Modular and Customizable:

Tailored Solutions: The platform can be customized to meet the specific needs of different pharmacies, whether they are small independent stores or large chains.

Scalable: The solution can grow with the pharmacy, adding new features and capabilities as needed.


Enhanced Security Features

Data Protection:

All patient data is encrypted both in transit and at rest, ensuring that sensitive information is protected from unauthorized access.

Access Controls
Strict access controls are in place, allowing only authorized personnel to access specific data. This helps prevent data breaches and misuse.


Compliance with Regulations

GDPR Compliance
The platform is designed to comply with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and other relevant data protection laws, ensuring that patient data is handled responsibly.

Audit Trails
 Comprehensive audit trails are maintained to track all access and modifications to data, providing transparency and accountability.


Secure Transactions

Payment Security: Online transactions are secured using industry-standard protocols, such as SSL/TLS, to protect payment information.

Fraud Detection: Advanced fraud detection mechanisms are in place to identify and prevent fraudulent activities.


Regular Security Updates

Patch Management
The system is regularly updated with security patches to protect against the latest threats and vulnerabilities.

Security Monitoring
Continuous monitoring of the system for any suspicious activities or potential security breaches.


User Authentication

Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA): MFA is implemented to add an extra layer of security, requiring users to provide multiple forms of verification before accessing the system.

Strong Password Policies: Enforcing strong password policies to ensure that user accounts are protected from unauthorized access.


Benefits of Enhanced Security

NAZOUNKI-Benefits of Enhanced Security


Protects Patient Privacy: Ensures that patient information is kept confidential and secure.

Builds Trust: Patients and healthcare providers can trust that their data is safe, fostering a sense of security and reliability.

Reduces Risk: Minimizes the risk of data breaches and cyber-attacks, protecting the pharmacy’s reputation and financial stability.

Ensures Compliance: Helps pharmacies comply with legal and regulatory requirements, avoiding potential fines and legal issues.

By implementing these enhanced security measures, Saycure Pharma ensures that pharmacies can provide safe and secure services to their patients, maintaining the integrity and confidentiality of sensitive information.


Benefits of Digitalizing Your Pharmacy



Improved Efficiency
 Streamlining operations through digital tools can save time and reduce errors.

Better Patient Engagement
 Offering online services and consultations can enhance patient satisfaction and loyalty.

Increased Accessibility
Patients can access pharmacy services from anywhere, making it more convenient for those with mobility issues or living in remote areas.

Enhanced Compliance
 Digital records and automated processes help ensure compliance with regulatory requirements.


Why Choose Saycure Pharma?

 Developed by a team of pharmacists and healthcare professionals who understand the unique challenges of the pharmaceutical industry.

 Incorporates the latest technology to provide cutting-edge solutions.

Ongoing support and training to help pharmacies make the most of the platform.

By adopting Saycure Pharma, pharmacies can ensure the safety and quality of drug consumption, ultimately leading to better health outcomes for their patients.







Always with You

At “Pharmacie de l’Espoir,” a young and ambitious pharmacist decided to break the routine and collaborate with other healthcare professionals to make a difference.
Upon opening his new pharmacy, he quickly encountered numerous challenges.
Despite his efforts to propose improvements, he often felt like he was shooting in the dark.
Introducing new treatment protocols was frustratingly slow, and his pharmacy faced issues like stock shortages, significant losses due to expired products, and occasional thefts.

The situation became unsustainable.
The young pharmacist increasingly felt like a mere merchant rather than a healthcare provider.
Regulatory compliance seemed impossible, and he hesitated to contact prescribers for fear of being insulted.
He knew he had to act to protect his pharmacy, his reputation, and, most importantly, the health of his patients.
He is convinced that addressing these issues is crucial for the future.



At this critical juncture, we introduce our innovative solution: Saycure.


Saycure – The Comprehensive Solution for Securing the Medicine Circuit



Saycure is a robust software designed to optimize medication dispensation

Saycure is a robust software designed to optimize medication dispensation, ensuring the safety of your patients and the protection of your business.
By integrating Saycure into your operations, you can enhance your revenue streams while maintaining the highest standards of care.

With Saycure, you reclaim your pivotal role in the healthcare ecosystem as a pharmaceutical product specialist.

This solution not only fortifies your position as an essential reference in the medical community but also ensures you remain safeguarded against potential risks.


SAYCURE e-powering Human Health Care

Telemedicine Services

Nazounki provides a platform for patients to consult with healthcare professionals remotely. Through teleconsultation, patients can connect with general practitioners or specialists using digital communication tools.

Nazounki facilitates remote collaboration among medical professionals. A doctor can seek expert opinions from colleagues through digital channels, allowing for efficient decision-making.

Remote Monitoring (Télésurveillance)
 Nazounki’s system enables healthcare providers to remotely monitor patients’ health using digital devices. This includes collecting data from wearable sensors or home-based medical equipment.

 In complex medical procedures, Nazounki allows one doctor to assist another remotely. This ensures that expertise is available even when physical presence isn’t possible.

Medical Regulation (Régulation médicale)
 Nazounki collaborates with emergency medical services (SAMU-centres 15) to provide remote medical guidance and direct patients to appropriate care pathways.







NAZOUNKI has hosting a Symposium that includes a two-day training on telemedicine, the digitalization of health systems, and maternal, infant, and child health.

Conference-training take place in the Democratic Republic of Congo.


International health show « Keneya Expo » International Show

International health show Keneya Expo International Show

Nazounki was created in 2002 because Dr. Sayave Gnoumou and some former colleagues from Saint-Joseph were routinely requested by embassies to assist evacuated patients staying in hospitals.

In 2003, Nazounki created its EMR (V1 Electronical Medical Record) which greatly facilitates patient monitoring. Nazounki has also developed several management software for health care facilities. SAYCURE is created by medical and health professionals, It includs a total of five (5) management software: pharmacy, laboratory, doctors office, hospital and final clinic.

Come and discover NAZOUNKI in KENEYA EXPO 2023

November 9-11, 2023 at the Bamako Exhibition Center


+223 71 02 02 68



NAZOUNKI Global Medical Network



NAZOUNKI Global Medical Network

The NAZOUNKI Global Medical Network is a specialized platform focusing on telemedicine and e-health solutions. They offer a range of services, including remote consultations, medical evacuation procedures, and continuous medical follow-up.

The network is known for its multidisciplinary team of specialists, ensuring comprehensive and tailored care for patients worldwide.

NAZOUNKI also collaborate with secure and high-quality hospitals to ensure patient safety and well-being.






Nazounki Global Medical Network at the following address and phone number:

Address: 130 Rue Normandie, 92400 Courbevoie, France
Phone Number: +33 1 47 89 33 15
Website: https://nazounki.org/?lng=en-US



Media Partners:



Zou, Katia & Dan NGU: New Media Making: Introducing AI FASHION MAG, a groundbreaking fusion of Human Ingenuity & Technological Innovation



Friendly Artificial Intelligence (FAI), also known as friendly AI, refers to hypothetical artificial general intelligence (AGI) that would have a positive effect on humanity.
Unlike the dystopian scenarios often portrayed in movies where robots turn against humans, FAI is designed with specific ethical considerations to prioritize human values and safety.



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Daniel Nguyen is a notable figure in the fashion industry, particularly known for his contributions to African fashion.

He is the founder and CEO of DN-AFRICA.COM, a premier African fashion magazine that has significantly impacted the fashion landscape.



NAZOUNKI- Pioneering the Future of Global Healthcare – 130-132 rue de Normandie, 92400 Courbevoie (Paris la Défense)


NAZOUNKI – 130 Rue de Normandie 92400 Courbevoie