HOME &gt News &gt NAZUNKI Timely diagnoses without any Unnecessary Complications or Embellishments: The Mobile Care Unit (MCU) developed by Nazounki Global Medical Network – Equipped with advanced medical technology

NAZUNKI Timely diagnoses without any Unnecessary Complications or Embellishments: The Mobile Care Unit (MCU) developed by Nazounki Global Medical Network – Equipped with advanced medical technology

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The Mobile Care Unit (MCU) developed by Nazounki Global Medical Network – Equipped with advanced Medical Technology

Date: July 31, 2024

Location: 130-132 rue de Normandie
92400 Courbenoie (Paris la Défense)

The Mobile Care Unit (MCU)



The Mobile Care Unit (MCU), developed by Nazounki Global Medical Network, is a groundbreaking innovation in telemedicine, designed to provide comprehensive healthcare services to remote and underserved areas.

This portable unit is equipped with advanced medical technology, enabling healthcare professionals to conduct a wide range of teleconsultations and diagnostics.


The Mobile Care Unit (MCU) is a reliable asset in telemedicine



The Mobile Care Unit (MCU) is a reliable asset in telemedicine, featuring over 16 teleconsultation parameters, including electrocardiograms (ECG), ultrasounds, and hematology tests.

This innovation is particularly valuable for patients living in remote areas who previously had to travel thousands of kilometers for a simple consultation.

With the MCU, which covers primary care, preventive medicine, emergencies, ambulance services, corporate health, military health, and disaster medicine, such arduous journeys are now a thing of the past.

The key to its effectiveness lies in the reception station, which allows doctors to communicate via videoconference with on-site nurses, ensuring accurate and timely diagnoses without any unnecessary complications or embellishments.


Key Features of the MCU

Nazounki Global Medical Network, MCU Value


Comprehensive Diagnostic Tools:
The MCU includes over 16 parameters for teleconsultations, such as electrocardiograms (ECG), ultrasounds, and hematology tests.

This allows for thorough medical assessments without the need for patients to travel long distances.

Here are the 16 parameters included in Nazounki’s telemedicine solutions:

  1. Electrocardiogram (ECG)
  2. Ultrasound
  3. Hematology
  4. Blood Pressure
  5. Blood Glucose
  6. Oxygen Saturation (SpO2)
  7. Body Temperature
  8. Respiratory Rate
  9. Heart Rate
  10. Weight
  11. Height
  12. Body Mass Index (BMI)
  13. Cholesterol Levels
  14. Triglycerides
  15. Liver Function Tests
  16. Kidney Function Tests

These parameters enable comprehensive remote monitoring and diagnosis, ensuring that patients receive high-quality care even from a distance.



Versatile Connectivity:
The unit can connect to the internet via LAN, WLAN, 3G, WiFi, RTC, and satellite, ensuring reliable communication between the on-site medical staff and remote specialists.

Data Security:
To protect patient information, the MCU uses a virtual private network (VPN) for secure data transmission. This ensures that all medical records and consultations remain confidential.

Portable and User-Friendly:
Designed for mobility, the MCU can be easily transported to various locations. It is user-friendly, making it accessible for healthcare providers in different settings.

Integrated Medical Software:
The MCU comes with medical software that includes a patient medical record system and a comprehensive medical encyclopedia. This helps healthcare providers make informed decisions and prescribe appropriate treatments.


Impact on Healthcare

NAZOUNKI: -Electronic Health Records (EHR)


The MCU has significantly improved access to healthcare in remote areas, reducing the need for patients to travel long distances for basic medical consultations.

It supports primary care, preventive medicine, emergency services, corporate health, military health, and disaster medicine.

By facilitating real-time video consultations between local healthcare providers and remote specialists, the MCU ensures timely and accurate diagnoses.


Future Prospects

Nazounki’s MCU is a promising solution for achieving global health goals, such as reducing maternal and infant mortality rates and supporting sustainable development objectives. Its ability to deliver high-quality healthcare services across geographical boundaries makes it a valuable tool in the fight against health disparities.





Nazounki Global Medical Network at the following address and phone number:

Address: 130 Rue Normandie, 92400 Courbevoie, France
Phone Number: +33 1 47 89 33 15
Website: https://nazounki.org/?lng=en-US



Media Partners:


Zou, Katia & Dan NGU: New Media Making: Introducing AI FASHION MAG, a groundbreaking fusion of Human Ingenuity & Technological Innovation



Friendly Artificial Intelligence (FAI), also known as friendly AI, refers to hypothetical artificial general intelligence (AGI) that would have a positive effect on humanity.
Unlike the dystopian scenarios often portrayed in movies where robots turn against humans, FAI is designed with specific ethical considerations to prioritize human values and safety.




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EXPERT SEO, CEO & Owner, DN-AFRICA.COM  Fashion Photographer
Daniel Nguyen is the CEO and owner of DN-Africa, a premier African fashion magazine that is revolutionizing the landscape of the African fashion industry and elevating the global fashion arena to new heights .
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NAZOUNKI—Pioneering the Future of Global Healthcare—130-132 rue de Normandie, 92400 Courbevoie (Paris la Défense) )


NAZOUNKI: 130 Rue de Normandie, 92400 Courbevoie