HOME &gt News &gt Fighting Against Racism as an Act of Courage: “Angela Davis, l’Amérique et moi” by Alain Mabanckou, the African Samuel Beckett against Racism as an Act of Courage
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Fighting Against Racism as an Act of Courage: “Angela Davis, l’Amérique et moi” by Alain Mabanckou, the African Samuel Beckett against Racism as an Act of Courage

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Angela Davis, l’Amérique et moi” by Alain Mabanckou, the African Samuel Beckett against Racism as an Act of Courage

Date: September 14, 2024
Location: Paris (France)

Racism ideology

Racism is an ideology based on the belief that different races exist within the human species and that some are inherently superior to others.

Unlike racialism, which acknowledges the existence of races without ranking them, racism establishes a hierarchy among them.

Hierarchy among Human Groups

This ideology can lead to the preferential treatment of one group over another, relegating the latter to a perceived lower social class.
Consequently, individuals in this class experience both class contempt and racism in an intersectional manner.

According to the Petit Larousse, racism is defined in two ways: in the strict sense, as an “ideology based on the belief in a hierarchy among human groups, ‘races’; behavior inspired by this ideology,” and in the broader sense, as an “attitude of repeated or systematic hostility towards a specific category of people.”


Fighting Against Racism as an Act of Courage

A growing perception is that some people consider denouncing Racism as an Act of Courage.

Indeed, more and more voices are rising against discrimination and racial injustices, which can be seen as a courageous act in a context where these issues are still very present.

For example, according to an Ipsos survey for the Cran discrimination barometer, 91% of black people surveyed say they experience discrimination related to their skin color.

This awareness and the willingness to denounce these injustices show a shift towards a more sensitive and proactive society in the face of racism.

Who’s Mabanckou, ALAIN BAMANCKOU , a writer against dictatorships ?

Mabanckou, growing up in Congo, was already influenced by the image of Angela Davis, whose autobiography was prominently displayed in the family library.


Angela Davis, l’Amérique et moi” by Alain Mabanckou

Angela Davis, l’Amérique et moi” by Alain Mabanckou—Cette femme qui nous regarde—Edition ROBERT Lafont


‘Angela Davis, l’Amérique et moi’

‘Angela Davis, l’Amérique et moi’ by Alain Mabanckou is a fascinating work that explores the encounter between the author and the American activist Angela Davis.

This meeting, when it finally took place, deeply marked Mabanckou, changing his perception of the United States, his adopted country.

The book is a mix of reality and fiction, where Mabanckou pays tribute to Angela Davis and her relentless fight against racism and for civil rights.
It is a sensitive and vibrant portrait of a woman who has marked contemporary history.


A Powerful Testimony to the impact that iconic figures have through this story 

Through this story, Mabanckou also shares his own evolution and his deep conviction in fraternity, which he now carries with him during his returns to France and Congo.

This book is a powerful testimony to the impact that iconic figures can have on our lives and the importance of continuing to fight for equality and justice.

Alain Mabanckou is a renowned Congolese writer, born on February 24, 1966, in Pointe-Noire, Republic of the Congo.

He is a novelist, journalist, poet, and academic, currently a Professor of Literature at UCLA.

Mabanckou is known for his works that explore contemporary African experiences and the African diaspora in France.



Some of his notable works include:

  • “Broken Glass” (2005)
  • “Memoirs of a Porcupine” (2006), which won the prestigious Prix Renaudot
  • “African Psycho” (2003)
  • “Black Bazaar” (2009)

Mabanckou’s writing often blends reality with fiction

Mabanckou’s writing often blends reality with fiction, and he is celebrated for his unique narrative style and philosophical insights.
He has been described as “the African Samuel Beckett” due to his innovative use of language and humor


I think this revolution in the Congo Basin is inexorable. – Alain Mabanckou on LCI Television


Alain Mabanckou Contact :

Alain Mabanckou Contact


E-mail: mabanckou@humnet.ucla.edu
Office: Royce Hall 228BOffice
Hours: Wed, 1:00pm-3:00pm & by appointment

Here are some contemporary thinkers and activists in France who are fighting for important causes:

Rokhaya Diallo: A journalist, filmmaker, and anti-racism activist, she is very active in debates on discrimination and social justice


Alice Coffin is a journalist and feminist activist; she is also a Paris city councilor and co-founder of the Association of LGBT Journalists.

Alice Coffin, Le Génie LESBIEN


Cédric Herrou: A farmer and migrant rights activist, he is known for helping refugees crossing the French-Italian border.

Cédric Herrou’s statement highlights a powerful and compassionate perspective on humanitarian aid.
He emphasizes that the principle of fraternity allows individuals to assist others in need, regardless of their legal status in the country.
This viewpoint underscores the importance of human solidarity and the moral duty to help those in distress, transcending legal boundaries.

Cédric Herrou: A farmer and migrant rights activist t


Camélia Jordana: A singer and actress, she uses her platform to address issues like racism and police violence.


Assa Traoré is a civil rights activist; she is the sister of Adama Traoré, who died in 2016 after a police arrest, and she fights against police violence and racism.


These individuals play a crucial role in defending rights and social causes in France today. Is there a specific area or cause that interests you the most?

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La librairie du Tramway – Rencontre avec Alain Mabanckou – La librairie du Tramway – Meeting with Alain Mabanckou