SYDNEY CONCEPTUEL (International Agency for Management, Promotion and Lobbying) Initiated by the TOP MODEL, Fatim SIDIME aka Fatim Sydney. Sydney conceptuel : Promotional organization on the craft of Modeling (suite…)
Christelle TONGNA International Model from based in Cameroun from Yaounde. She has received lately an Award from AFRICAN MODELS AWARDS 8TH Edition #AMA8 'Les Awards du Mannequinat Africain' - 8th Edition in Abidjan (Ivory Coast) Dec 15th 2017. (suite…)
Read full articleBLACK FASHION WEEK ROTTERDAM - BFWH '19 Welcome to the first edition of BlackFashionWeek in the Netherlands (BFWH '19) The organizer wants to make a special night by this event to show something different and something unique. (suite…)
Read full articleAfrica Fashion Week Amsterdam - Business & Fashion Seminars Africa Fashion Week Amsterdam is The Largest Gathering Of Fashion Designers, Designer houses or Label, Exhibitors, Models, Stores, Buyers, Retailers, Media, Fashion Professionals and Business Tycoons. (suite…)
Read full articleAFRICA FASHION & CULTURAL WEEK MALABO AFCW Malabo is a prestigious Fashion and Cultural franchise is an amalgamation of creative thinkers ranging from fashion designers, models and textile distributors to artisans, culinarians and musicians. (suite…)
Read full articleAfrica Fashion & Cultural Week Brussels The Largest Gathering of Ethnic Runway Models, Fashion Designers, Artist, Painters, Authors, Press, Buyers, Retailers, and Fashion Professionals Celebrating & Promoting Local Culture, Diversity and Pride. Location : Atomium - Région de Bruxelles-Capitale (Belgium), 19th to 21th Jul 2018 (suite…)
Read full articleEmma Style 8th Ed - from Dakar (SENEGAL) Emma Style Show "is a charity show, which gathers 500 to 600 guests, dedicated to fashion with performances by artists from Senegal and the sub-region, (suite…)
Read full articlePARIS PLUS SIZE FASHION SHOW 2018 Organize by Malia Indigo Corporation Fashion professionals came from around the world invite you to the Paris Plus Size Fashion Show. This is a unique event that will highlight the talents of fashion designers, (suite…)
Read full articleHARLEM FASHION WEEK - HFW 2018 Since the days of the Renaissance, Harlem has served as the epicenter of music, literature, art and fashion. As Harlem is being revitalized in the 21st century, Harlem Fashion Week will introduce a new era of fashion culture (suite…)
Read full articleM'ba M'etta by Nyorh Agwe American Cameroon Designer Nyorh Agwe is the founder and head designer of a contemporary clothing brand Nyorh Agwe. (suite…)
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